SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactors)
Engineered SBR Systems
Since 1972, AquaTec has provided services and products to the environmental sectors of industry and public utility markets. You can only get experience by being there, and there is no substitute for experience. AquaTec is one of the pioneers of SBR Technology... having designed and built some of the very first Biological Nutrient Removal SBR plants in the US... and today's AquaTec SBR plants are even more technologically advanced. Where limited site space and low Nitrogen and Phosphorus effluent parameters are required, AquaTec's SBR plants can meet the rigid regulatory requirements. AquaTec SBR plant effluent is often used for surface irrigation... even on the finest of Golf courses... where Class A treatment is required.
Why Should You Choose AquaTec's SBR?
- AquaTec provides energy efficient systems with state of the art automated controls
- AquaTec has a proven long-term performance history
- AquaTec has in-depth experience building dual stage systems, with SBR's following high-rate anaerobic reactors

- AquaTec builds SBR systems using all types of vessels
- AquaTec can provide its own unique SBR Components for best performance
- AquaTec can build your system for less capital cost and lower operating cost
- AquaTec can provide Lease or Purchase Financing at the best interest rates available
AquaTec SBR Process Benefits Include:
- Lower installed cost than "Conventional" methods
- Less space required for SBR treatment plants
- Consistent high-quality, low nutrient level effluent
- Tolerates wide swings in flow and organic loading

- No separate clarifier or Pre-Eq tank required
- Better control over filamentous growth and settling problems
- Nutrient removal with less (or no) chemicals
- Simple sludge process management
- Less equipment to service and maintain
- Existing plants can often be converted to SBR process
- Less operator attention than "Conventional" processes
Contact AquaTec for your SBR options... get the best for less!
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